Mystery Blogger Award!


Hi guys, no survival guide this time but something super exciting! I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by the sweetest Morgie Reacts. You can read and follow her wonderful blog HERE  (Note: her giveaways are amazing!)

Sorry this took ages, I’ve been swamped with Uni assignments!

This award was created by Okoto Engima – you can find her blog here! The rules of the award are as follows:

Continue reading “Mystery Blogger Award!”

Help Me Survive Things?

People of WordPress!

Just a quick one to ask if there’s anything you’d like me to survive for you? Since you’re following me on here,  or accidentally stumbled over here, I guess I should see if there’s anything in particular you’re interested in. I guess?

Any experiences or social situations you’ve been stuck in where you just don’t know how to react? Any news stories you’re still getting your head around? Any exercise regimes etc. you’re not so sure about? Send them to me on my social media links or comment below and I’ll see what I can do!





Good afternoon, evening, morning or whatever.

I’m Laura and one day I woke up and thought “Hm, I wonder if this stuff happens to anyone else…”

By “This stuff” I mean all the weird things that happen to me and my friends on a daily basis that, somehow, we don’t really realise are bizarre until we tell the stories to new people and they give us the wide-eyed, square-mouthed grinning nod, whilst muttering something about “going somewhere” to “do a thing” and making a swift exit.

I kind of wonder whether it’s something about me that just attracts these sorts of happenings. Maybe I’m frequented by odd occurrences because I was a horrible person in a past life, or I just have one of those faces that screams “I deal with weird people, copious amounts of alcohol and conversations with strangers on public transport really well.” (Clue: I don’t.)

However, as much as I would love to live a perfectly quiet life, with no drunken mishaps, minimal human contact and a daily dose of Starbucks, I am grateful for whatever it is that makes me incapable of doing so. Why? Life lessons my friends.

Sure, school is great (a burning hell hole full of hormones and cheap make up covering acne), but there’s some things it just can’t teach you. And that’s where I come in- you lucky things. I figured that, I can’t be the only person who you really just can’t take anywhere without causing a scene or unintentionally making everyone uncomfortable (right?… Right?!) so maybe I should make something of it.

Here is your survival guide, for all those little things that you swear don’t happen to normal people. I hope you enjoy it, and that it brings some comfort to some of you, and maybe weirds out a few others.

Speak soon,

Laura x