How To Survive Having Crappy Skin.

Instagram: @lo_cowen

So when I first started to think about this post I started thinking about what products to recommend. Maybe I could talk about double cleansing and powder exfoliates because they are, after all, my favourite products for my acne-prone skin. But that’s the thing, they’re my favourite products, that suit my skin but not necessarily everyone else’s. So that was that angle ruled out. Continue reading “How To Survive Having Crappy Skin.”

How To Survive Feeling Like a 2/10 (When Everyone Else Seems like a 12/10)

Instagram: @lo_cowen

One day I was trying on my favourite bikini to check it still fit for my holiday. It did. Like a glove. To be honest, I thought I looked great. I’d been working really hard in the gym and actually remembering to feed myself at regular intervals throughout the day (instead of you know, eating nothing all day then eating my entire house and the complete cast of Newsies when it got to 8pm). So yeah, overall I was feeling pretty hot. And then I saw them. These long white stripes across my bum cheeks. I have stretch marks. Continue reading “How To Survive Feeling Like a 2/10 (When Everyone Else Seems like a 12/10)”